The Locker Room

Parents are concerned that their son will be teased because of how he looks in the shower. Regardless of the fact that there is rarely, if ever, a necessity to shower at school, the number of boys, in America, being circumcised is approaching 50%. This means that close to half the boys will be natural. In a few years, it will be the circumcised boys that are in the minority.

If my son isn’t circumcised, won’t he be teased?

Children can be cruel, and will find things to pick on another child about, whether it be his chubbiness, glasses, or freckles. Some parents think that their son should be circumcised so that he will “match” his father, brothers, or friends. As parents, we can help our children to feel good about their bodies and to respect individual differences.

Parents often express a fear that their son will “feel different in the locker room” if he is intact. There is good evidence that proper education is the answer. Boys who are taught from an early age that they are normal, whole and healthy will have a lesser chance of suffering embarrassment in the locker room, especially if some of the other boys are also intact.

Nonreligious infant circumcision is not an issue in European, Asian or South American countries. In Canada the average rate of infant circumcision for boys is roughly 25%, with large regional variations. The rate in the United States has dropped to less than 60%, and will drop below 50% in a few years if present trends continue. This is already true in the Western US (35% in 1993).