New rituals create ways to symbolically acknowledge Jews’ covenant with God without actually circumcising infants By Marjorie Ingall|July 9, 2014 12:00 AM|Shar (Erik Mace) When my nephew Eli was born, there was no way on earth he was going to be…
To Cut or Not To Cut: Finding Alternatives to Circumcision
Choosing not to circumcise — last frontier of Jewish inclusion?
Thursday, February 13, 2014 | return to: views, opinions TweetShare by lisa braver moss Follow j. on and How can synagogues make their members — and prospective members — feel more welcome? Some synagogues send a message of inclusion, stating…
A Jewish Perspective on Circumcision: SF Weekly Talks to Cut Director Eli Ungar-Sargon Religion By Ellen Huet Thu., Sep. 22 2011 at 7:30 AM Categories: Religion Eliyahu Ungar-Sargon Eli Ungar-Sargon was raised in an Orthodox household, with rabbis in the family and a Talmudic scholar father. But Ungar-Sargon, who dropped out of medical school…
Jewish Intactivist Writers Published In Israel
Update on the Jewish Intactivist Movement in Israel Kahal, a community group for Israeli parents with intact sons is active and counts thousands of Israeli Jews among it’s members. Intactivism—the movement to end circumcision—continues to win social acceptance worldwide, including…
Jewish Mom Makes Intactivist Case in Israel
“Help! I’m asking for the help of the public! I am a mother to a baby. The Rabbinical Court is forcing me to cut my year old son against my will (circumcise him) while subjecting me to heavy financial…
It cuts both ways: A Jew argues for child rights over religious circumcision It cuts both ways: A Jew argues for child rights over religious circumcision Censuring circumcision in Europe is about child protection, not anti-Semitism. By Dr. Rebecca Steinfeld / Jewish World blogger | Nov. 26, 2013 | 12:45 PM | 48 Circumcision without…
Stand up for your son: Say ‘no’ to ritual circumcision By Larry Derfner |Published June 29, 2012 Stand up for your son: Say ‘no’ to ritual circumcision Even if criminalization is impractical, this week’s German court ruling against circumcision on children, except for medical purposes, sent a much-needed message. I’ve been an…
Russell: Circumcision: an unnecessary, brutal practice for those who can’t consent
Posted: Thursday, November 21, 2013 6:54 pm Natalie Russell / Columnist | 0 comments “Here’s this little bundle … First let’s find a sharp stone or knife and start hacking at the genitalia,” begins journalist Christopher Hitchens, setting up a scenario that about 58 percent…
Intaction Anti-Circumcision Activists Picket Home of Leading Pediatrician On Saturday November 16, members of the anti-circumcision activist group INTACTION picketed outside the home of Susan Blank, M.D., chairperson of the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision. Intaction anti-circumcision members march to protest AAP…